Giving Back
College Town and our businesses are active within the greater Rochester community. Our activities include hosting American Red Cross blood drives, and supporting charities such as Friends of Strong, the Al Sigl Center, the Ronald McDonald House of Rochester and others as event partners. If your charity is interested in opportunities within College Town reach out to Cass McCrory, Marketing Manager for upcoming events and contacts within the businesses.
The project seeks to strengthen surrounding neighborhoods, increase tax revenues, and create jobs while establishing a vibrant mixed-use environment and regional magnet for those that live, work, shop, visit, and study nearby.
“I commend Fairmount Properties and Gilbane Development for their tremendous effort in bringing this project to fruition. With College Town, we are harnessing the economic development might of Rochester’s largest employer to turn 14 aces of dilapidated land into a showcase of shops, restaurants, offices, apartments.”